Attend an Event

Have fun AND raise money for a great cause! Whether you are playing in the golf tournament in Washington, DC or Phoenix, AZ; attending a gala in New Jersey or the Police Week BBQ in Philadelphia, your participation in these events are key to helping us reach our fundraising goals. Please check our Events page for upcoming events.

If you would like to volunteer for any of the events posted, contact our events coordinator -

Host a Fundraiser

Start an annual golf tournament in your area! Or coordinate a 10K on the Appalachian, a Great Lakes bike tour, a polar bear swim in the Pacific Northwest, or a beach run in Southern California. Host a formal Awards Gala, a BBQ or just design and sell some cool shirts… WE NEED YOU to help to create awareness of our mission and raise money for families of our fallen heroes.  Contact our events coordinator and we will do everything we can to support your event: